Saturday, April 9, 2011


I haven't had much to say for awhile, but occasionally I'll write down a snippet or two. So here they are, in no particular order, just like the original Nabisco Tid-Bits, which, in case you've forgotten or weren't born in time for endless shows like Cliffhangers or Police Woman or the Six Million Dollar Man (how much would he be worth TODAY??), here's a photo.

I liked these snacks a lot when I was a kid, which might explain why I still like Cheeze-Its today! In any case, here's some nice little tidbits, served up fresh:

Let the Religions of the World COLLIDE!!

Yesterday, I was frequenting my favorite little Tk 25.00 eatery (that's about .40 cents, you'll remember), enjoying dahl and ruti and deem and all that...when, to my delight, a cell phone goes off across the room. Normally this doesn't delight me, nor the ensuing, often loud, one-sided conversation that takes place! But yesterday the older, Muslim gentleman waited a bit to answer his phone....and graced us all with his latest ringtone, We Wish You a Merry Christmas!!


No, Bangladesh didn't win the Cricket World Cup this year. India did. Personally, I find cricket more exciting than baseball!! I know for many of you, that's not saying too much. But for some of you, that's saying a lot...maybe. Anyway, back to my Victory! story:

The toilet in the bathroom at the far end of the 3rd floor all-in-one guest house - conference room - dining room of the Job Creation office in Mymensingh - is aptly named "Victory" (and so's the sink)! I like that. I've won a few battles in there myself!!

Speaking of odd names, there's a bakery in Dhaka with the name "Decent Bakery". Every time I pass by, I think to myself, couldn't they try a little harder??

But i like bathroom fixtures with the name "Victory".

Now if I can just find an oven with the name "Pointless"...

Job Creation Update

As most of you know, I'm in charge of the Job Creation office here in Mymensingh. My favorite parts of the job, so far, are leading staff meetings, motivating our team to have an entrepreneurial spirit, and considering/implementing new ideas or new sales opportunities. We've had a few such opportunities in just the past two weeks!

First, Rafique and Shahadat (engineer & marketer) found a buyer near Dhaka for recycled cotton thread. We've had a large spinning mill sitting mostly idle for several years, and this should help "jump start" it! We're anticipating 10-15 new jobs there for local women by the end of the month!!

Second, we were able to meet with a nationally-recognized designer who used to work with Aarong, the huge, local handicraft chain. He thinks that our new pineapple/cotton fabrics will very much interest them. If so, we would hire an additional 20-30 workers at the Mill by next year! This one will take more time to set up, but the rewards could be very good.

Third, Deepa and I (she runs the Sacred Mark handmade soap enterprise) met with representatives from the Danish Embassy, who are interested in teaming us up with a Danish soap maker to be able to sell soap there as well as in Europe. If this happens, Sacred Mark would explode overnight (hopefully in a good way)!

Finally, the Pobitra program (which helps ex-sex workers to find new livelihoods) recently graduated 17 producers. We have taken them all in at the Job Creation program to make soap, bedspreads, Christmas ornaments and stockings, etc. We have been able to do this through increased sales at Sacred Mark soap (mostly to Japan and Canada) as well as other export orders.

So my job is a mix of cheerleader, visionary (trying to keep us all on track or consider new products), approver (signing things), and occasionally the "meanie" supervisor!! I love it...most of the time!

Well, that's all the Tidbits I have for now! Next time, we'll try some Doo-Dads (another of my favorites...)!


  1. I liked your coment dad! Keep up and you might be as popular as me some day, LOL, just joking! I love you lots and keep writing! BTW: Which one do you think is better? Tib-bits or Cheeze-its?

  2. Have you tried linking your blog posts to your Facebook account? That's what my dad does and it's kinda nice because when people are out cruising FB (which means they have time to read other people's stuff and comment on it) they will get a notice that you wrote something.

    Sounds like a lot of good things are happening in your work! Congrats! And in reference to your bathroom story (which I see might be a common theme on this site), It made me recall my favorite hair salon in Brazil, called "Office Hair"...

  3. Good to hear about your work. I am envious of that, cheerleading where folks listen. I am happy to hear you doing good things, and continuing to find the humour in names of bakeries. I think you and I share that quirky trait. Not everyone quite understands that.
    take care, wish I could see those fabrics.
